Saturday, January 8, 2011

MakeSomething364 - Day 1: Secrets, Wishes, and Dreams Bottle

After debating which of the three things I was going to choose; I ultimately came up with an idea that incorporated ALL of the theme: A Secrets, Wishes, and Dreams Bottle

A beautiful place to keep those secrets you may want hidden, those wishes you hope to come true, or those dreams you're wanting to keep in a special place.

These are all pictures of before, during, and almost after. Seeing as how it's almost day's end and the mod-podge hasn't completely dried yet, I had to take my pictures while it was still wet. I just wanted to get my post and pictures up before bed tonight.

This was really fun to make because I ADORE GLITTER. By the end of it, I was pretty much covered in glitter and spray adhesive. My husband said that I was covered in it from head to toe. It was in my hair, on my face, all over my granny nightgown, glued onto my hands, arms, and legs, and... yes... even on my toes. And it was worth every sparkle.

Because I'm proud of my accomplishment. :)

So, for whatever reason, I had to rig a way for my pics to show up here. I'll look further into this later. But, here is the best I can do to be able to show you the pictures of before, during, and after my Secrets, Wishes, and Dreams Bottle Project:

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