Saturday, January 29, 2011

MakeSomething365 - Day22: Changing the world with one small action :)

It takes the smallest action to change a life.

One word or thought can move the earth. (In positive AND negative ways.)

Some recent examples:

-One friend told me about a cool blog she was reading about art and creation. It made me start one.
-Another friend told me that one story I told her about something that happened to me had really helped her cope with a similar situation that she is going through. This is HUGE to me since I usually feel like people like my stories but, overall, just think that I am silly or too emotional about things. Really, I just like to think that I have loads of PASSION!
-One simple sentence of a stranger in a restaurant is what brought us to be friends: "I paint."
-Me telling someone that they shouldn't listen to prejudice was, sadly, taken as "I should completely go against my parents and I know Georgia's got my back." That was a rough one to go through and re-explaining myself hurt someone. But, it needed to be clarified. Even still, huge things happened. I can't help but wonder if things might be different if I had never said anything. Sometimes, trying to help just turns into disaster.
-Anytime someone says "you inspire me" or I say "you inspire me" to someone else, a light goes on and faces are brighter.
-If Steve Kardynal hadn't sung "Firework" in the Apple store. I wouldn't be listening to this Katy Perry CD right now. That is a definite.
-If Chad hadn't taken a stand for me, we wouldn't be married.
-If friends hadn't read "Captivating" and "Wild at Heart", we wouldn't be so inspired by these books' awesomeness.
-I've always had an interest in making jewelry. But, I know for a FACT that Lauren Peckham's jewelry making is what REALLY got me into it on a more serious level many years ago. I've never told her that before. Me making things has inspired my other friends to make things. Ultimately, one person has changed MANY lives without ever even knowing.
-Without Hanson, I wouldn't have a unique connection to weird people. And, I probably wouldn't have any Toms shoes because I would be less likely to know what they were all about.

Well, ANYWAY, tonight, I inspired basket-loads of people to smile!

I went on and SMILED. I asked tons of people to smile with me, and to dance with me, and to be my friend. It was fantastical!

It was unbelievable how many people returned the smiles! Just a simple smile can change someone's attitude. And, in return, these people made ME feel lovely as well! (Obviously not the pervs and creep-o's. But, all of the cool people.) A few people on there looked very sad and then I kept smiling and told them to smile. And they did! :D
One guy in particular had really big, blonde hair, bad acne, and a very sad face. After seeing a video recently called "Validation" (which I will post below), I knew that something positive had to be done. And *I* had to be the one to do it! So, I said, "Look! We both have big hair!" and I smiled and laughed and danced and told him that he was awesome and I told him to stay groovy as I said goodbye. He LOVED IT. I will never forget the frown on his face and how it mutated into the biggest smile. It brought me such joy.

I hope that kid finds more joy in his life. We should all totally pray for him today. How will you do something positive in someone's life today?

"Validation" - This is a really great and sweet video. :D

Smile through your fear and sorrow. Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll find that life is still worth while... if you just SMILE. ;D


  1. That song played in my head the whole time. It's especially nice to listen to in rush hour traffic with the windows down. It's like a love letter to the whole world because everyone's got pain & doesn't know how they're going to get through the day, but that song, it reminds them.

  2. Aw, Thanks Georgia :) I wish I was still around there so we could craft together...ah maybe one day :)

  3. that video is WONDERFUL and so are you. Thanks for all the smiles you give, they are glorious.
