Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MakeSomething365 - Day 4: I Dreamed My Whole House Was Clean

Since I get to make the rules of what I make, I decided on something a little out-of-craft-character this evening:

Ever since we've moved into town, Chad and I haven't had much availability to clean our house.

So, tonight, we *created* a cleaner living environment. It is glorious! And I now have more room for my craft-making.

Sometimes you need to make things like this for yourself in life so that you can stay sane.

Here are some pictures below.

One of my favorite cups that I washed this evening... this was my inspiration for tonight's creation. :)
 Clean mound of dishes. (And some soap making essentials in the back of the mound.)
Yes, my dog (Sweet Layla) is still wearing her cone of shame. We are working on singling out her allergy problems. Until we've figured out a cure; the cone stays. I'm just glad she still loves us. :)

Oh, the air mattress is out for a guest we're keeping this week. The living room looks bare from the way I took this picture. I should have captured the entire bookshelf and craft corner and fireplace mantle to show that we aren't simplists or something. ;D


  1. Creating a clean living space is key to any creativity. I'm trying to get the energy to clean out my little art area. I think I'll be making cards, earring holders, and more jewelry for my 365 project :)

  2. awesome! georgia.. cleaning is definitely a huge part of the creative process. a cluttered space can clutter the mind.
